Tuesday 22 May 2012

Audience essay.

Audience is one of the biggest parts to consider when planning and producing a new media product. Each company needs to find their target audience and then put aspects of it into their product, when planning my music video, audience was a very big part of it as we had to identify the audiences of pop/punk music.

 Hall came up with the approach of three different readings when viewing a media product as an audience, two of these apply to my music video, which is 'Dominant and/or preffered reading' which is the reading that the producers want you to have, so it is accepted, in my music video, the accepted reading is that the ring is supernatural, appearing when the characters are hallucinating. The second one is 'negociated reading'  which means the audience may disagree with the set reading, and might make their own interpretation, this applies to my music video as the boy and girl have an argument over the boy apparenty 'cheating' audiences may disagree with this reading and feel the girl overreacted. The third one 'Oppositional reading' does not apply as audiences will not find my video offensive or explicit. 

]McDougall argued that 'it is getting harder to identify a stable group'which in many ways I agree with, as it isn't just one group of people that listen to pop/punk anymore, the conventions of that specific audience have grown. When planning my music video, it was hard to identify the aspects we should put in to help gain an audience, in the end we did but twisted many conventions to find our ideal audience, such as associating love in a pop/punk video.

Hartley said that 'they must know their audience so they can target them effectively'  I agree with this as when planning and producing my media product, I had to know who my target audience was, so when filming I could make sure I included everything, to ensure I enticed them and they would enjoy it. 

My audiences do follow these structural theories, as I had to identify who my target audience was and ensure that they would enjoy the product.

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