Tuesday 22 May 2012

Essay plan for Media Language.

Introduction: When it came to producing and editing my music video, there are many aspects of media language that I constructed. Media language is important in any text as it can give underlying narratives and also gives the product a language of its own.

Paragraph 1: Band and Character costumes: colours, red,-love, danger. white- innocence (band members) and black- andy wore black to portray his villainous character (guilt as well), he wore this in both narrative and performance as I wanted to link the narrative and performance together.   Sophie; wore flowery shirt and it was white, ----Barthes theorist, denotations and connotations---- 

Paragraph 2: the use of close-ups, voyeurism: represents the main characters---- theorist, Vladamir Propp, his theory of characters---- especially andy, even though he isnt the lead singer, he had alot of close ups to show his guilt.. (acapella part, he has his head down) 
also close ups of the lead girl, to show her innocence being broken down and how things changed her. her progress.

Paragraph 3: Symbolism of the ring: ----genre theory (do not associate super natural powers within a punk/rock music video)---- how we portrayed it with camera shots, did it because we wanted to keep picking up the theme of love through out, ---- goodwins theory; visual to lyric, love, promises etc.----

Paragraph 4: Use of intertextuality: titles at the beginning, intertextual from storybooks and other music videos. ----genre theorists, representations of rock and roll; what's stereotypical----


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