Tuesday 1 May 2012

Media Language Music Video Analysis

I chose this song and video as the song and the visuals link together strongly, the song was written by Danny, the lead vocalist of Asking Alexandria, and it is about his drug and alcohol addiction that he has since overcome, but he wanted to show his fans how bad he genuinely was, bringing him closer to them in the form of a song. He felt like he was fighting a losing battle, and this is shown in the video, all the way through it shows links between them both constantly, most of the time only with timing, but it all still links.

It shows all of his weaknesses, and how he would behave when out with his fellow band members, and the way that the music video is presented makes it obvious that the band had many difficulties coming to terms with Danny's addictions. It is obvious in the mise-en-scene, as it is filmed in a club, Goodwin's theory of lyrics to visual is apparent as it has the connotations of alcohol and drug abuse. 
In a way this music video is Arbitory, as you you can have your own interpretations of it, but it can also be said that the music video is cultural as the bands fan culture is associated with alcohol and drugs. 

Other media language that is noticeable in this music video is the editing, as it is fast paced and cut quickly to fit in with the speed of the music, the camera work also uses shots such as pan, a canted crane shot, but the main shot used is a closeup, as it makes the audience see the appeal of the band members, but also brings them closer to them, making the music video even more personal. 

There is a small reference to Intertextuality at 1:43, where the band have all met up and are crossing the road, this is a slight Beatles Reference. 

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