Friday 4 May 2012

Section 1A; The Creative Journey (ooooh!)

'The processes must generate something original' (in blue)


1 + 2: These two screenshots are taken from my Thriller production, the hands that feature during it and at the end is creative because it creates enigma for the audiences, as they do not know what is following the main characters. 
This is a process as usually the 'villain' or 'bad guy' is fully in shot, unlike my production where they were faceless. It features in some productions, like Scream and Friday 13th, which also fits in with my film genre, so it can be argued that my production isn't original.

3: The flashbacks of the two main characters Elly and Seth, I put it in a black and white 'victorian' film effect, this lets the audience know that they are looking into the past, this boosts audience emotions. This is creative because it allows the audience to attach to the characters, letting them become apart of it.
The victorian theme makes it seem less original, but for the use of it for flashbacks, it seemed original as many other productions have not done it. 


4: This is taken from my A2 music video, the 'power' of the ring, and the 'supernatural' feel it possesses, it follows the boy and girl makes this creative because it is an element of hyper reality and allowed us to give our music video another meta narrative. 
I would say this is the most original part of my journey throughout the course, as I have not seen this type of symbol in any other mediated productions. It highlights the meta narrative of supernatural powers.

5. The titles at the beginning (+end) 'Once Upon a Time' makes it creative because it gives the music video a 'childhood story' theme, and you do not see this in a pop/punk video usually. 
In many ways this is original as it hasn't been used in a media production, but in other ways it isn't as it has featured in childhood stories for centuries, but it was taking something old and recreating it, making it a new product.

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